Maria Wæhrens recently recieved a grant from The Danish Arts Foundation for her future artistic practice / by Opal Spaces

We are pleased to announce that Maria Wæhrens recently recieved a grant from The Danish Arts Foundation for her future artistic practice; huge congratulations to Wæhrens! For more info, please see The Danish Arts Foundation.

Maria Wæhrens. Confidence, 2019, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Maria Wæhrens. Confidence, 2019, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Maria Wæhrens. UD AF MOR (the gift), 2017. Oil on canvas. 120 cm. x 80 cm.

Maria Wæhrens. UD AF MOR (the gift), 2017. Oil on canvas. 120 cm. x 80 cm.